Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sales Letter ABC Review

There seems to be hundreds of ebooks and courses on copywriting available these days, which is hardly surprising considering that it's one of the most important elements of a website!

Without good copy it wouldn't matter how many visitors a site had - it needs to sell to those visitors.Yet it's also one of the most costly considerations for anyone setting up a site, and one of the most neglected...Usually due to either the overall high cost involved in hiring a professional copywriter, or to the confusion that reigns supreme when one attempts to learn the art of writing good copy from the many ebooks and courses one can buy.

So does SalesLetter ABC add to the confusion? - or is it a product worth consideration?
Here's my view on this product.At just 33 pages - it's probably one of the shorter products in the field of teaching copywriting. So initially I wondered if it did actually include everything you need to know to create a good sales letter.

It also includes a template which can be used as a guide to copy and paste your own content over. This does present an advantage for many who don't really know where to start, as it's a simple task to replace the headline with your own and the next section with your own etc. right down to the P.S.'s at the end.

In the report each section of the 10 Steps is detailed with a guide on what should be there.One of the things I do like about the descriptions is the fact that it each does explain in simple English exactly what should be written and why, yet without the usual 10 pages of detailed analysis that many seem to incorporate.

If anything one of the complaints I've always had with most copy courses - is that they are written by copywriters for copywriters. SalesLetterABC does seem to be written FOR the average marketer.It teaches the basics but without the required degree in psychology that many assume you have!

In the section "Further Tips & Recommendations" I found some common sense, and to a degree, obvious tips, but also some very useful comments that help a great deal for anyone who would otherwise struggle to get started and achieve any kind of structured input.

The first 10 sections of the ebook are also extremely useful for anyone starting out, and they cover some of the basics that the professionals take for granted - yet mean little if anything to the novice.What I liked about them was the simplicity of explanations....No in-depth 15 page analysis of the testing and tracking which then established the criteria for higher conversions based on the results of months of tests and which parts were changed for each trial..... Just the answers to the questions like which fonts to write in, what colours work best, etc.

That to me is the strength of the whole product... the simplicity.It tells of what you need to know, how to do the job, and what things to incorporate to get the best results. But without all the page after page of confusing statistics!

To cram in the 10 sections of the template plus another 12 sections of tips, advice and much needed information, into just 33 pages, shows that it's all meat and no fluff!

I believe anyone wanting to get started writing their own sales letters would do well to invest in this product and learn from it.I'm sure they would accomplish the task of completing a sales letter of their own with far more ease than if they had purchased many other products of considerably higher cost.

The simplicity of this ebook has helped me quickly revamp my sales pages and I am starting to see results so check it out at... SalesLetterABC
I highly recommend it.
David Robertson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out My Copywriter ( It writes click-bank style sales letters automatically.