I came accross this new ebook for $9.00!
What do you get for 9 bucks these days. Well Affiliate Rescue is worth the money. I always cringe when I go to the payment page and click Pay This Amount. Have I just lost my money? Is it going to be the same old information? Could I have saved myself the money by rereading the books I have?
All valid questions and some times I have been stung. I was pleasantly surprised when I downloaded this ebook. Good solid information and a price I can't say no to.
Essentially the fellow selling the ebook is using it as a lost leader to increase the members on his list. A valid tactic (remember though you can unsubscribe from the list at any time) The information in the Affiliate Rescue is good solid information. He does suggest using some techniques that I am not completely comfortable with (Gray Hat) but you could easily re-work them to be completely above board.
He details
Getting Your Finances In Order
Redirecting Through Your Affiliate Link
Email Marketing
Free Traffic Generation
Plus a series of bonuses directed to Niche Marketing and Forum Traffic Generation.
The Affiliate Rescue Ebook is 67 pages long and well worth the $9.00 price tag.
You can get more information at Affiliate Rescue.
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