Monday, January 5, 2009

Using and Ebay Store Front

Another Way to Set Up a Money Making Site

If your are having trouble thinking of a way to set up a site to help you make money from the internet check out used welding equipment This is a very clean website that is built around an ebay store.

Alice, the owner, has taken advantage of ebay feeds in a particular niche area of welding.

The important things about the site is:

  • That you can clearly see what it is about.
  • You Can find your way around easily.
  • It is monetized so that the owner can make an income from it.
  • You can subscribe to her feed if you want up dates.
  • There are a number of places to click on for more information.
  • There are places to click on for the privacy policy etc.

In general this is a clean commerce site that should sell well if targeted traffic ends up there.

You too could set up an ebay store with your particular niche. As you know Ebay has a bazillion products at any one time so it would be easy to set up targeting one topic tightly.

Take a minute and look around used welding equipment to see the layout and how visually appealing it is. It will start you thinking about developing your own visually attractive website.


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