Thursday, December 3, 2009

One Week Marketing Up Date

One Week Marketing System

Just a quick update about the One Week Marketing system provided by Potpie Girl.

I admit I have many irons in the fire and haven't worked with the system as much as I should have over the past months. Other areas have been keeping busy.... But it is working for me. I mainly use it to funnel more traffic to my main sales sites.

Have I made sales directly related to the One Week Marketing system? Yes definetly. Have I done all that I can with OWM? No not even close. Barely even scratched the surface. I do plan on doing much more with it in the coming months as my time allows.

Of more importance is the relationship Potpie Girl develops with her readers. I am on a number of internet marketing lists and most send me useless sales letters and only a little bit of good information.

It is just the opposite with Potpie Girl. I never feel that I am being sold on something from her. I do feel that she is really working hard to help everyone of her customers. I know that she has had to hire on staff to help as well but it always feels like she is adding her personal touch and is genuine in helping us.

If you are on a few lists you know the difference from someone that is only looking to take the next dollar from you and some one who is trying to help you get to the next level of sales.

In short One Week Marketing system is working for me. I have made sales from it. I do need to put more work into it. You have heard "Rinse and Repeat"

Take a moment if you are not familiar with the system and click on One Week Marketing to get more information to help you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Keyword Elite 2.0 Review | Should You Buy This Program

Keyword Elite 2.0 What it is and how to use it.

Keyword elite is a suite of software that helps you find all manner of keywords to use in your marketing campaigns. It searches the web for websites with your keywords and it suggests many hundreds of others for you to use.

I had heard of the original Keyword Elite a few years back. Many of the people I read said that they used this program and loved it, to find hidden keywords that we miss when we are setting up our campaigns and niche websites.

I had looked into the price and at the time decided that it was too steep for me as I was only making a partial income from the web and had to do everything on the cheap. Hours of searching for the right keywords starting with only a guess and the google adwords tool. It worked and I made a bit.

Yesterday I recieved a number of emails about the launch of Keyword Elite 2.0 so I thought I might check it out again. I was prepared for the price. I read the information and signed up for the free book that shows you some simple strategies for making money online with out the program. (Brad , the author of the program, shows you how run the sample techniques without and with Keyword elite 2.0 in the free book).

It is worth getting the free book just for these techniques. I have refered to it many times today.

Well I mulled over spending the $197.00 overnight. It does come with money back guarrentee. I decided to buy it. I have never spent this much on any one product ever !!!!

So I have just spent the last 4 hours going over this program testing it out and I have only just scratched the surface.

I am completely blown away by this program and the bonuses offered with it. It is easy to use and works realtively quickly for me even on dial up. Have I made my money back yet? No but I am extremely confident that I will in the next month using it.

All the positive comments that I have read are warrented. Keyword Elite 2.0 is that good!!

I know spending close to $200 is not for everyone right now. If that is the case I know where you are at. If this is your circumstances go get the free ebook that Brad is offering and it will help you in any niche. The Free Ebook is on the information page. Just click throught to Keyword Elite 2.0 to access the book. You won't be sorry.

I have already used some of the keywords generated in a new adwords campaign. My head is just realing with the possibilities with this software alone. It is going to take me many days to sort through all this new information, but you can put things into practice as you go.

If you can afford it and are serious about making your full time income from the internet then do take a bit of time to check out Keyword Elite 2.0.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

PPC and Your Quality Score

I have been messing around with ppc on google adwords with only varying degrees of success. I am still spending more than I make. I do see the power once I get it working.

I found this article that may help clear up some of my problems. I thought I would share it as it may help you as well.

Ads Rarely Show Due to Low Quality Score

Ads Rarely Show Due to Low Quality Score
By Daniel K. Smith

Have you ever received this message in Google AdWords? Are you having this issue right now?

This message is the equivalent of having your ads shut off. The bad news is Google has rated your landing page as low quality, and is refusing to display your ads. You won't get impressions for any of your ads when you have this message.

The mantra of Google AdWords is relevancy. Your Keyword Phrase, Ad and Landing Page must all be relevant to achieve a good quality score. If you get a low quality score, your ad becomes disabled.

So what do you do to fix it? How do you improve relevancy? There are a couple of steps you can take.

First, take all the keywords you are interested in running ads for, and place them in unique AdGroups. That means one AdGroup per Keyword. If you have too many keywords, you may want to start with only your top performing keywords.

Next, write a unique ad for each keyword. You want the headline of the ad to be the exact keyword. The content in description lines 1 and 2 can be the same. But each headline needs to be the exact keyword. This makes ad unique to the keyword. AdWords will recognize the keyword in the ad, and that makes the ad relevant to the keyword. Plus the consumer is likely to click on the ad if the headline matches their search.

While you are creating the ad, also put the keyword in the display url. The display url must have the same domain as the destination url, but beyond you can do what you like. For example, try a display url of You get the keyword in the ad twice, boosting relevancy.

Finally, create a custom landing page for each keyword. You need the keyword in the following places on your landing page.

• The url if possible
• The page title
• The meta tags for keywords and description
• The <> tags on the page
• The content, with 2% to 5% density

Doing so makes the landing page relevant to the keyword. In the end, you'll have relevant keyword, Ad and Landing Page and you so can say goodbye to the message "Ads Rarely Show Due To Low Quality Score".

You should be aware that a major component of quality score is the CTR. Google basically says a good ad will thrive (get a good CTR) because humans reading the ad will be compelled to click on it, therefore it is relevant. A CTR of less than 1 percent could be contributing to a low quality score. A CTR of at least 2 percent is desirable.

However, relevancy is likely a bigger factor in your quality score issue. If your campaign is new, you won't have enough impressions to create a meaningful CTR. Even if it is older and has many impressions, you can benefit from better relevancy.

Would you like to learn about Adwords Quality Scores, Relevancy and the message Ads Rarely Show Due To Low Quality Score? Get your FREE AdWords Strategy Guide to learn more. Plus you'll find advice on how to automate adgroup, ad and landing page generation, which is a big time saver.

Thank you,

Dan Smith

Article Source:

Just as a side note you will be limited in the number of adword groups that you can actually make in a campaign. I have read others suggest using 1000's of keywords this would mean 1000's of adgroups. Following Dan's advice you will have to target the best keywords.

Hope this helps. I have to go back and adjust some of my campaigns

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Google Adwords : How to Survive It

Google Adwords and You

Google adwords is the advertising you see when you search in google for an item that you are interested in. The theory is that if your ad is shown during a search and the customer finds your add interesting enough to click through to it, you pay a fee for that traffic.

The fee can range from 5 cents to tens of dollars depending on how much you bid and the competition for that spot. The more you bid the higher the spot on the list you can achieve. The higher on the list the more people will see your ad and click through to it.

That is the very brief fundamentals of the process of Google adwords. The catch is that google has made many restrictions and rules that you need to follow to make it work. In a perfect world you would spend $1.00 on advertising and have people click through to your site and spend $2.00. This would give you a Return On Investment (ROI) of 100%. This means you would constantly make money when people click through to your site.

It is much more common when you are starting to pay $10.00 for advertising and get $1.00 back in revenue. You can see here that you can go bankrupt very quickly if you follow this ROI.

I have been dabbling with Pay Per Click (ppc) for a few years with google adwords. In all honesty I have spent more than I have made this way, but I do see the potential. It is actually a very powerful traffic generation techique.

I recently purchased an ebook by Perry Marshall found at The Definetive Guide to Adwords. Perry is an expert adwords marketer and shows in this book how to tweak and test each campaign until you have it profitable. His goal is to take you from losing money to breaking even, to making money then to seriously profitable with adwords.

So how is this going for me? Well the book is clearly laid out and he emphasises testing so you really know what is going on in your campaigns. I am a firm believer in testing and I use which is free and works like a charm.

So not having put a lot of time into this yet I have reduced my expenses and increased my ROI. I have saved the cost of the ebook in my campaigns and am starting to see some small profits com in.

I do need to do more testing and alter some of my campaigns but I think I am beginning to get the hang of it.

Google Adwords was once called a machine of many moving parts. This is so true, and some of them move beyond your control so it is hard to get a handle on it. If you are planning to try adwords or have tried and spent a fortune go to Perry's site and read about The Definetive Guide. Make your own choice if it would help you.

Take Care
David Robertson

Thursday, May 7, 2009

List Building Strategy

Building a List For Marketing May be Your Best Use of Time

So the money is in the list. I am sure you have heard this over and over again. What is the this list that everyone is talking about? I short it is a list of people and their email address that want more information from you.

This can be on any topic. These people have given you permission to send them information about a specific topic. This means that you can send them repeat sales information about products that you sell or make a commission on.

Very powerful. But how do you create a list that you can work with?

First please please don't use a free autoresponder. I started this way and was pulling my hair out. anyone I have talked to that has used a free autoresponder has had the same problems I had it is not worth it. Spend a few bucks and use a commercial one. The one I use is Getresponse and I have been incredibly pleased. Just click on Getresponse to learn more about their service. It really is not expensive when you consider how much you can make with it.

I have just finished reading a short ebook on building your list and tactics to use to get people to sign up. It was written by James Penn who eventhough is quite young he is doing extremely well at building his list. His ebook (click on Accelerated List Building for more information) is incredibly low priced for the information that he delivers.

But better yet he gives several bonuses that are even more packed with information. My mind is just running overtime with the possibilities.

I have used a list since 2007 and it has been responsible for a significant portion of my income. I have made friends with a number of people and it allows me to easily stay in contact with people of similar interests.

If you are exploring internet marketing list building should be a priority of yours. James makes some very good points and details exactly what he does to grow an impressive list. Worth a read and the price can be beat.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One Week Marketing Review I Bought It, Should You?

One Week Marketing Review

One Week Marketing has many "reviews" on the net right now. Most from affiliates who have jumped on the band wagon to promote yet another income online stream. I am sure you have read glowing reports of how it is working for people.

It is a relatively new product by potpiegirl or Jennifer Ledbetter. The premise is that in one week she can teach you how to set up a system that will start to make you money on the internet.

The ebook itself is 65 pages long but she includes 139 pages of emails between her and her protege . This is very helpful as he has lots of common questions that she answers directly. There are things included in the conversations that are not included in the ebook. If you buy the package read both these documents.

She also includes 3 other smaller documents that support her ebook. Mind Map and worksheet. These are helpful but not critical.

The bad news. One week marketing system, although simple to implement does require a working knowledge of some aspects of internet marketing. If you are truly a beginner there are links included in the ebook that will bring you up to speed. So you are not lost. Just be aware you will need to do a bit more reading.

The good news. One Week Marketing system is built around no cost websites. You actually don't have to pay anything to get the system going except for the ebook ($47.00). Does this system work. Yes It does. It will not bring you an avalanche of money quickly. If you follow it and are disciplined it is very likely that you will make a reasonable income by the end of one year.

You will have to work at One Week Marketing but by now you probably have figured out there are no get rich quick sytems. Nor should you be looking for one.

I am in the process of using this system now and I am starting to have results. I have had the ebook a little over a week now. Previously I was using components of this system on some of my campaigns but didn't have a unified marketing web that potpiegirl describes how to set up. Now with the guidance of her ebook my campaigns are becoming a bit tighter and more organized.

So Do I recommend One Week Marketing? Yes I do. Will you have to work consistently at it for it to work yes. Will it work? Everything I see with my own stats indicates that it is working. Will I get rich over night? No!

Potpiegirl also gives you the first 18 pages to review. One Week Marketing is a good system if you have no money to put into your online business.

For more information about One Week Marketing and to get the first 18 pages free click on One Week Marketing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Create an Online Income With a Travel Site

Travel Websites Can be a Good Source of Online Income

There are so many income opportunites on the net. Just look around and find something that suits you. Travel sites are one of the best money makers although there can be stiff competition.

Think of niche travel locations or niche experiences. Create a website on your favorite travel destination or a place that you live. Fill it with good content and pictures. You could have some affiliate links for hotels as well. Three sites that come to mind are Philippines Travel and Ontario Travel and Florida Short Term Rentals.

Examine what these sites do to catch your interest and where do they lead you with their links.

If you generate enough traffic you will start to make sales. Get lots of backlinks from many places and things will start to roll. When I say many backlinks think in terms of a 100.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Using and Ebay Store Front

Another Way to Set Up a Money Making Site

If your are having trouble thinking of a way to set up a site to help you make money from the internet check out used welding equipment This is a very clean website that is built around an ebay store.

Alice, the owner, has taken advantage of ebay feeds in a particular niche area of welding.

The important things about the site is:

  • That you can clearly see what it is about.
  • You Can find your way around easily.
  • It is monetized so that the owner can make an income from it.
  • You can subscribe to her feed if you want up dates.
  • There are a number of places to click on for more information.
  • There are places to click on for the privacy policy etc.

In general this is a clean commerce site that should sell well if targeted traffic ends up there.

You too could set up an ebay store with your particular niche. As you know Ebay has a bazillion products at any one time so it would be easy to set up targeting one topic tightly.

Take a minute and look around used welding equipment to see the layout and how visually appealing it is. It will start you thinking about developing your own visually attractive website.
