Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sales Letter ABC Review

There seems to be hundreds of ebooks and courses on copywriting available these days, which is hardly surprising considering that it's one of the most important elements of a website!

Without good copy it wouldn't matter how many visitors a site had - it needs to sell to those visitors.Yet it's also one of the most costly considerations for anyone setting up a site, and one of the most neglected...Usually due to either the overall high cost involved in hiring a professional copywriter, or to the confusion that reigns supreme when one attempts to learn the art of writing good copy from the many ebooks and courses one can buy.

So does SalesLetter ABC add to the confusion? - or is it a product worth consideration?
Here's my view on this product.At just 33 pages - it's probably one of the shorter products in the field of teaching copywriting. So initially I wondered if it did actually include everything you need to know to create a good sales letter.

It also includes a template which can be used as a guide to copy and paste your own content over. This does present an advantage for many who don't really know where to start, as it's a simple task to replace the headline with your own and the next section with your own etc. right down to the P.S.'s at the end.

In the report each section of the 10 Steps is detailed with a guide on what should be there.One of the things I do like about the descriptions is the fact that it each does explain in simple English exactly what should be written and why, yet without the usual 10 pages of detailed analysis that many seem to incorporate.

If anything one of the complaints I've always had with most copy courses - is that they are written by copywriters for copywriters. SalesLetterABC does seem to be written FOR the average marketer.It teaches the basics but without the required degree in psychology that many assume you have!

In the section "Further Tips & Recommendations" I found some common sense, and to a degree, obvious tips, but also some very useful comments that help a great deal for anyone who would otherwise struggle to get started and achieve any kind of structured input.

The first 10 sections of the ebook are also extremely useful for anyone starting out, and they cover some of the basics that the professionals take for granted - yet mean little if anything to the novice.What I liked about them was the simplicity of explanations....No in-depth 15 page analysis of the testing and tracking which then established the criteria for higher conversions based on the results of months of tests and which parts were changed for each trial..... Just the answers to the questions like which fonts to write in, what colours work best, etc.

That to me is the strength of the whole product... the simplicity.It tells of what you need to know, how to do the job, and what things to incorporate to get the best results. But without all the page after page of confusing statistics!

To cram in the 10 sections of the template plus another 12 sections of tips, advice and much needed information, into just 33 pages, shows that it's all meat and no fluff!

I believe anyone wanting to get started writing their own sales letters would do well to invest in this product and learn from it.I'm sure they would accomplish the task of completing a sales letter of their own with far more ease than if they had purchased many other products of considerably higher cost.

The simplicity of this ebook has helped me quickly revamp my sales pages and I am starting to see results so check it out at... SalesLetterABC
I highly recommend it.
David Robertson

Sunday, January 20, 2008

PayPal Buttons: How To Create Them

PayPal is a great payment processing company that I have used for years with good succes.

There has been a rash of How To Videos lately. I personally think this is a waste of bandwith for some thing as easy as creating a PayPal button, but I do realize that many people prefer to see things right infront of them.

Also having dialup limits the amount of videos I up load and can download.

So How do we create those little buttons for people to click on to actually buy your product.
  • Go To PayPal and sign up for a business account.
  • Sign in to your PayPal account
  • Click on Products & Services Tab
  • Click on Website Payments Standard
  • Find the Buy It Now button that suits your product. I will use "Buy It Now"
  • Click on Get Started
  • Type in the description of the product, the cost, ID number etc.
  • Choose the graphic syle of your button.
  • I incrypt my buttons
  • If you are selling a digitally delivered product (ebook, software, etc.) click on Other Options and you can send your buyers to a webpage of your choosing with the download information.
  • Click on Create Button Now, you may want to add shiping charges etc. as appropriate.
  • Code will be generated click on select all then left click and copy this code. Then paste it into the html of your web page. And you are done.

The above button is active and is a simple payment of $1.00 Do not pay the $1.00 it is merely and example and you will receive no product, but if you wish to click on it to see how PayPal works back out before you "Pay This Amount"

That is all there is to it. No Video Required!

Friday, January 18, 2008

An Amazingly Simple Way To Generate Free Leads.

Today, I'm going to share with you a free traffic generation system called
If you have heard about this service and you have not registered your free account, I suggest that you do it now at Leads Leap

LeadsLeap is an ingenious system that combines the power of contextual advertising and network lead generation.

In this system, you are allowed to post ads to 10 levels of network you have built.
Unlike traditional network lead generation methods, LeadsLeap only allows members to post their ads in the form of contextual ad.

This means your leads do not receive obtrusive ads from their uplines, which is a good thing because no one likes to receive junk ads.

Moreover, LeadsLeap sends very informative and useful newsletters to their members. I've saved some of the newsletters for future reference. I'm sure you will benefit from the newsletter too.
This is a free service. Register your account now at Leads Leap

This is structured so that you can generate pay per click ads without the pay part to all the people that subscribe under you. There are some rules with this but they are not hard to deal with. As people click on your ads you generate more traffic to your website or blog. Traffic is the key here.

There is also potential for income through an income sharing program. All at no cost. The ads are generated on an informative newsletter. Easy to digest. Check out Leads Leap.

For more information on Traffic and Pay Per Click see my website

Monday, January 14, 2008

Free PDF Document Creator

The pdf file format has become almost universal in its use for transferring documents form one computer to another. As long as you have the free adobe reader you can view and print the document.

This means you can create the document and virtually anyone no matter what type of computer or what operating system can view your document. Universal appeal and universal access.

The catch has been that to create a pdf you needed expensive Adobe product. Some programs were developed but they were not as good as the Adobe product.

As an internet marketer I write ebooks that I want people to have access to. Within the ebook itself I want active links to resources that people can buy (affiliate products). These links will have my affiliate id located in it so that I get credit for the sale.

Some of the free programs I tried would only create links with the full url visible. This is cumbersome and doesn't clearly indicate where the link takes the reader. If instead it is a hyper link such as Holly Mann's Honest Riches then the reader knows that the link takes them to Holly's book Honest Riches.

So I searched for a program that would allow me link as above and then convert it to pdf document keeping the above format. What I found was Open Office. see Open office is an open source program that has many features. Data base, text editor, html editor etc. It takes a bit to get use to but is now my favorite text editing program. It will save and read documents created in Microsoft word as well as many others.

Open office allows you to create your document then export it to a pdf file that you then can post to the web. It is a hefty download but as I said it is free and works wonderfully well for me. You can find other programs that sell for about $70.00 that seem to do the same job.

if you are searching for a free pdf creator then try open office.

For more tips and information on creating your own books and internet marketing see my website

Sunday, January 13, 2008

15 Minutes a Day To Blog Traffic Review

15 Minutes a Day to an Avalanche of Blog Traffic by Mike Paetzold
Mike Paetzold has created an audio interview with a friend of his, that discusses his techniques to increase his blog traffic. I bought the transcript for $17.00. Be aware that part of his marketing scheme is that the price will go up to $47.00 at some unknown time.

For the $17.00 I was happy with the information that I found in the 33 page document. I am just begining with blogging and am learning how to use it effectively. His suggestions on how to get back links to your blog was very enlightening. We all are trying to get more blog traffic. It does come back to the numbers. More people see your blog the more who will buy your products. The more links you have out there the more people will see you. The more back links you have the better ranking in the search engine you have.

He suggests that spending 15 minutes a day is all that is required to boost your links over the long term. By no means is this a get links quick process. His time frame is 3 to 6 months. He is strong proponent for the idea of doing the work long term with no blackhat techniques. I agree with this as there is so much poor quality content out there. I personally hate weeding through a ton of irrevalent information to get the little item I was looking for.

Some of his techniques I have been using for boosting traffic to my websites and they have worked well over the about 4 months now. I will be applying these to my blog as well. He provides access to a couple of bonuses as well. So for me the whole package was worth the $17.00. If I had paid $47.00 I would have been disappointed.

If you are blogging as a way to boost your income in what ever niche you are in this report will boost your traffic if you follow his step by step guidlines. This is not a hard commitment to spend 15 minutes a day, and it is not doing the same chores over and over again. There is some variation. Check it out at 15 Minutes for Avalanche of Blog Traffic.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The New Age Work at Home Plan Review

The New Age Work At Home Plan by Jim Daniels is a report (41 pages) is a completely free report. free is always good! Jim is a renowned internet marketer and makes several 100,000's of dollars a year. He also teaches his subscribers his techniques for creating online income.

The report clearly maps out the 10 steps in creating a successful online business. There is enough detail that you could start a business based on this report, but it would be very difficult. It doesn't go into nitty gritty nuts and bolts how to, but it does provide links for additional information. If I was starting out this information would be worth the time downloading the report. It does put you on the right track.

He stresses that you should be thinking about creating your own product in your own niche. Use affiliate products to start but work on building your own product for more freedom and higher income.

If you treat this, again I stress FREE report as part of your required information to building a better business you can't go wrong with it.

I draw your attention to the marketing of this report. First it is only free if you click the "Golden Key" at the bottom of the report. That is the free link. It is a clever technique in marketing. The discovered or hidden treasure.

Since this is a Free report and it has good solid information I recommend that you do go to the website and get your Free copy of The New Age Work at Home Plan. It is a good working plan to make and keep the income from the internet.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

SBI Site Build It Review

What is SBI or Site Build It?
SBI or Site Build It is a yearly subscription to a website hosting company with a twist. This company also provides software that creates your website. So templates are created and you ad pages of content that you write.

SBI does all the html coding for you. This is the nasty part of internet marketing. The nuts and bolts of website construction is the tedious part. The fun part is creating new content with text and photos.

SBI also helps you optimize your website for search engines. The whole reason for this is to drive free traffic to your website. SBI then helps you choose profitable affiliate programs that suit your website.

It will also guide you through the steps to put Google Adsense on your website. The basic concept is to create a website that has quality content on it about a topic that interests you. Add ways of monetizing it (collecting money on referrals and purchases). Collect a mailing list of subscribers names and email addresses.

In short this subscription service does all the background work for you. What do you have to do? Well essentially write about your theme. The more content that you generate the more traffic that heads to your site.

It is the same fundamentals for any internet marketers. The main bonus is that it is all rolled into one neat package.

What is the investment?
Well it is an investment and I stress this word, of $299.00. I have easily purchased products that have totaled over this price and still do not have the convenience nor all the tools that Site Build It offers. Plus I still have my hosting accounts to pay for on top.

This is by no means a get rich quick scheme (which I hate) but it is a legitimate, bonafide online business. What other business can you start for $300.00? Of course the case studies presented are the cream of the crop, but the numbers provided are realistic presented over an equally real time frame. Essentially after a few months work real income in the neighborhood of $1000.00 a month.

What is the downside to Site Build It?
Well to keep your site online you will have the recurring $299.00 fee. That is the only downside since you are working with affiliate marketing and Google adsense for revenue you have no products to package and ship and no customer inquiries. Just simple click throughs to generate your income.

Lets divide the $299.00 by 12 and we get about $25.00 a month which is less than many hosting packages alone. Not really a lot to spend with all the added features in the Site Build It Package.

Like anything I strongly recommend you do your research before buying. They following link gives you more details on SBI. It is important to read all the connecting pages as well since they do provide added information.

Learn how SBI! can turn you into a high-earning affiliate champion.